FAQ - Sailor Helga

Um….what is this?

This is Sailor Helga!

Okay, yeah, I can see that. But…what IS it?

Sailor Helga is a crossover fanfiction that combines the universe of Nickelodeon’s Hey Arnold! with Naoko Takeuchi’s Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.

So this is a fan project?

That’s right!

Uh-huh…and how did you come up with the idea?

In the late 1990s, there were a lot of Hey Arnold! fanfic websites. One of my favourite was Gerald’s Gateway of Tales. At the time, I was a big fan of both Sailor Moon and Hey Arnold!, so I decided to put them both together, and thus Sailor Helga was born!

So this story is over 20 years old?

Well, sorta. Gerald’s Gateway of Tales went offline in the 2000s, and I didn’t have the foresight to create a backup of the story (I just wrote it in email and sent it to the webmaster), so the original version vanished along with the website.

Wow, that sucks.

Yeah, it did. But I still wanted to tell the story, so I rewrote it from scratch.

How long did that take.

Not long. I started the current version in…2005? And I finished the final chapter in 2011.

Wait? So it took you six years to write it?

Yeah, I guess so.

Was Sailor Helga the only fanfic you’ve ever written?

Oh, heck no! I’ve written tons! Sailor Helga wasn’t even my first fanfic. I have stories across several platforms – Wattpad, Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction.net.

You must really like writing.

It’s something that really gives me joy.

That’s cool. But, can I ask a candid question?


What is this for? Really?

OK. You got me. This website is to house my previous fanfiction writing. But it’s also a portfolio site of sorts.

A portfolio site?

Yeah. I’m very confident in my writing skills. My web development skills? Not so much. So aside from showcasing some of my favourite fanfiction works, this site will also showcase my web design skills. Did you know I created it from scratch?

No kidding?

Yep! I’m learning as I go. It may not be the prettiest site, but I’ve made it with my own two hands (and my laptop)!

That’s impressive!

Thanks! :)

You sound pretty cool. How can I find out about the person behind the fanfic?

So glad you asked! As it turns out, I have another personal branded site here: https://sylviesoul.com

Sylviesoul.com. Is that your real name?

It’s my pen name. I could tell you my real name…under penalty of DEATH! MWAHAHAHAHA!


Ha, nah.